Entries by admin


Shifting lines of battle: How to work out solutions to conflicts that travel between and inside organizations?

One key challenge in environmental conflicts is to get interest organizations to the same table to work towards a solution that gets them over their potentially long-term tensions. However, when they agree to this, there are plenty of further challenges on the road to find collaborative solutions that would be widely accepted. We highlight one […]


COREvents #5 & BIBU Talks: Serious games for collaborative governance

Getting serious with games! What role can games and gamification play in addressing local and global sustainability challenges? How have they been used? What are the opportunities and challenges from the point of view of young people especially? To share knowledge and encourage discussion on these questions, Academy of Finland Strategic Research Council projects CORE, […]


COREvents #3: Civic action and collaborative governance

What leads young people to engage in collective initiatives in times of more or less severe crises? How do the motivations and forms of engagement of Millenials differ from those of previous  generations? What does the changing of the civil society mean for collaborative governance? The third COREvent will explore civic action and collaborative governance […]



The CORE project has undertaken a case study of the production of Jyväskylä’s strategy for the use of its forest, the Jyväskylä Forest Programme. The city of Jyväskylä has utilised a collaborative approach to produce this strategy. The collaborative process involved public administrators from three different sub-units of the city administration and non-public sector actors such as […]


Science, activism and societal impact – diversity of relationships

Activism is often perceived as open acts for promoting changes in society. It may take the form of campaigning, demonstrating or advocating for legislative changes for example in animal rights or nature conservation or protesting against enterprises or projects, or proactively organising peer-to-peer services, crowdfunding projects or alternative plans. It may also be about empowering […]


New tools for environmental conflict resolution

In August 2018, a course on environmental collaboration and conflict resolution brought together 28 participants from 17 different countries at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus. The course provided the participants with theory and practical skills in environmental collaboration and conflict resolution.  One of the international teachers of the course, Professor Mara Hernández from the Centro de […]


COREvents #2: Using collaborative knowledge practices in environmental planning and decision-making

How is trust in expertise generated and lost in environmental policy? How to overcome challenges in democratising environmental expertise? Why is joint fact-finding useful in complex planning and decision-making processes and how to apply it in practice? The second COREvent explores the potential of inclusive knowledge practices to bridge the gap between science and environmental […]


Course on environmental conflict mediation gathers international students

The course on environmental collaboration and conflict resolution brings together students from 19 different countries at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus, from 20 to 24 August 2018. The course, entitled Environmental collaboration and conflict resolution: The Crossroads of Forestry, Ecosystem Services and Wildlife, is intended for PhD students in forestry and environmental sciences. The […]